“There has been a Renewed Concern about whether Scleral Lenses cause Increase in
Intra-ocular Pressure (IOP).”
Multiple Studies showed IOP to Elevate by ~5-7 mmHg Regardless of Scleral Lens diameter worn.
OD’s now Need to monitor IOP with Scleral Lenses IN the eye!
Contact lens Spectrum covered the topic in detail:
The Solution is here:
Innovative, clinically proven Trans-Scleral
IOP in 1-2-3 Through Eyelid & Sclera
Where the Cornea or Lenses are NO longer a Factor to influence IOP results

7 Reasons Why Every Optometrist Must Own the DIATON:
- Easy to use. Can be used by any trained personnel
- Quick, Puff-free & Painless (Perfect for children and adults)
- No contact with the cornea (only upper eyelid and sclera)
- No need for anesthesia drops (no side effects)
- No need to take out Contacts or Scleral lenses (Only with Diaton)
- Safe: No risk of infecting or scratching cornea (safer vs other methods)
- Cost efficient: No consumables (no need to purchase replacement tips, probes or covers, etc.)
5 Extra Reasons Why Diaton Tonometer is a Must Have Solution:
- Latex-free, handheld, non-contact, portable, pen-like tonometer
- No sterilization (just alcohol swab is used to wipe off the tip)
- Accurate: No pachymetry needed (independent of corneal biomechanics)
- No special set-up needed (measure anytime, anywhere without the need of any other preparation before the eye examination)
- Ready-to-use: Daily calibration not required (saves time)
Watch HowTo Videos Now at: www.diaton.com
How to Order Tonometer Diaton?
or Simply Dial our Team at: 1-877-DIATONS (877-342-8667)
Please note: If you need an Official Quote – simply reply or dial our Team to inquire.
Diaton tonometer is cost efficient and is delivered complete (no need to purchase additional accessories, tips, covers..etc.,), Free 2nd Year Warranty, Calibration Tester/ Training Plate (no need for daily calibration), Carry Case, Battery and Training DVD in 5 different languages + phone based training support. We have Diatons in stock and ready to ship today.
ABOUT BICOM INC – Home of tonometer Diaton – You’ve seen us, You know us!
BiCOM Inc, home of Diaton Tonometer is committed to the global fight against blindness caused by glaucoma. A unique team of engineers, medical, legal and business experts makes BiCOM Inc. uniquely placed to provide DIATON diagnostic tonometer pen, which measures intraocular pressure (IOP) through the eyelid and sclera, making it possible to diagnose glaucoma on the early stage and appoint necessary treatment and medicines and provide a much more favorable outcome for the patient.
1-877-diatons (1-877-342-8667).
We Wish to Fight Blindness with You and make it quicker, easier and more efficient!
** To request additional info or to place an Order simply Reply or Dial: 1-877-DIATONS (877-342-8667)
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Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings!
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BiCOM Inc, 151 East Walnut Street, Long Beach NY 11561,
email us at: contact@tonometerdiaton.com
1-877-DIATONS (342-8667)