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Diaton Tonometer clinical comparison trials collection

Top 30 Clinical Studies and Articles on Diaton Scleral Transpalpebral Tonometer

Intra-ocular pressure variation associated with the wear of scleral lenses of different diameters

Does IOP Increase During Scleral Lens Wear? Scleral Tonometer Diaton Helps to Answer:

Transpalpebral tonometer for intraocular pressure measuring

Test report and a comparison of the pressure measurements of the digital portable tonometer DIATON for the measurement of the intraocular pressure through the eyelid

Clinical use of transpalpebral diaton tonometry after keratophotorefractive surgeries

Clinical comparison of the Diaton and the Non-contact Tonometers with the Goldmann applanation tonometer in glaucoma patients

Comparison of the Diaton Transpalpebral Tonometer Versus Tono-Pen Applanation

Comparison of the Diaton Transpalpebral Tonometer Versus Goldmann Applanation